… ExpandĬreo que el principal problema de este juego es querer equilibrar tanto las civilizaciones, que deja a un lado el rigor histórico he iguala a Creo que el principal problema de este juego es querer equilibrar tanto las civilizaciones, que deja a un lado el rigor histórico he iguala a todas las demás con Roma y Cartago, las dos grandes de su tiempo.

I recommend this game to anyone with a decent PC and a passion for war or strategy games. People should give them more credit for the work they are doing. Yet there are thousands of mods that can customize the game to your likes + they are still patching and fixing stuff. There are still a few issues, for example Spartan elite troops are weaker than before, the game is unbalanced a bit by this. Waiting for your friend/enemy to play is a lot more enjoyable now. You can even join in the fights when it's not your turn, this is something games like Heroes lacks. The multiplayer is still kind of poor, though they implemented the one thing I always wished since the first Rome Total War, yet they fixed it and it works perfectly.

I don't get how a crappy game like Medieval 2 has a higher rating. The AI now is almost too good on higher difficulties, I can play on maximum settings with my new PC, the combat realism is much better than the old game or any other strategy game I have played. A few bugs here and there but that's nothing new to the gaming industry, the only games that lack release bugs are those stupid action/cartoon(ish) games, mainly because those type of games leave nothing to the player's freedom or imagination. I played Rome 2 since the first day it got released. I played Rome 2 since the first day People really have a bad memory, the first Rome had a lot of bugs and issues even after years of patching. People really have a bad memory, the first Rome had a lot of bugs and issues even after years of patching.